excerpts, etcetras
strategy (n.) a plan, method, or series of maneuvers for obtaining a specific goal or result
I keep thinking about God's being the ultimate strategist. He plans each move. He sees it all before it will happen and as it happens, because He is outside of time. He anticipates each need. He knows how everything will work together according to His plan to bring Him ultimate glory and triumph over evil. Trying to figure out why some things happen as they do may confuse me to no end... but from His vantage point, it all makes perfect sense. I trust He has things under control.
And I've scribbled down quotes while trying to read through several books too quickly and all at once...
Francois Fenelon in Christian Perfection
Jeremiah Burrough's (1599-1646) in The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment
I keep thinking about God's being the ultimate strategist. He plans each move. He sees it all before it will happen and as it happens, because He is outside of time. He anticipates each need. He knows how everything will work together according to His plan to bring Him ultimate glory and triumph over evil. Trying to figure out why some things happen as they do may confuse me to no end... but from His vantage point, it all makes perfect sense. I trust He has things under control.
And I've scribbled down quotes while trying to read through several books too quickly and all at once...
Francois Fenelon in Christian Perfection
Be free, gay, simple, a child. But be a sturdy child, who fears nothing, who speaks out frankly, who lets himself be led, who is carried in the arms; in a word, one who knows nothing, can do nothing, can anticipate and change nothing, but who has a freedom and a strength forbidden to the great. This childhood baffles the wise, and God himself speaks by the mouth of such children.
When we have found God, there is nothing more to ask for in men.
Jeremiah Burrough's (1599-1646) in The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment
Christian contentment is that sweet, inward, quiet, gracious frame of spirit, which freely submits to and delights in God's wise and fatherly disposal in every condition.
It may be said of one who is contented in a Christian way that he is the most contented man in the world, and yet the most unsatisfied man in the world.