silly depths

Sigh... I technically know that I can be identified in different ways, by different adjectives and characteristics, and different roles that I have. But there are afternoons like yesterday... I come home tired but refusing to rest. I get discouraged when several things go wrong. I even get discouraged that I get discouraged, when rationally I should feel great and often do. Can I hold this discouragement and joy in tension? Can I be clumsy and successful, weak and strong, cheerful and sad, wise and clueless, inspired and unmotivated, apathetic at times and still deeply loving & caring other times? I'd say most definitely YES. Maybe not all of these all at the same time, but still, multiple roles & qualities. Possibilities. I have shortcomings despite the great potential in me (or potential despite the shortcomings in me?). Much of it is God's work, not mine. Sometimes though, it is entirely my choice. On those evenings when it's hard to look past one shortcoming, one glitch, one frustration, one weakness, one role... I remember how each of us is a combination of so many different roles, qualities, gifts, circumstances & defining moments. I become thankful, hopeful, peaceful, and I rest in that.
Tonight Papa Smurf made a few unplanned appearances around town— I don't mind a few odd glances, because the curiosity, big smiles, and laughter from those who appreciate him make it worth it ;) Don't let joy be stolen.
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