for what it's worth...

Nothing is worth doing at all, nothing is worth writing, which does not do something which will last. — Amy Carmichael

September 22, 2006

fairness = giving everyone what they need

watching a video in class, this hit me when i heard it. they were talking about how teachers contest that it isn't fair for them to give students with learning disabilities extra help, because they were not doing the same with all the other students. of course they weren't. to bo fair, they did not have to give everyone the same instruction... they just had to give each child the instruction he or she needed. and some needed more than otheres.

it's easy to see things as not being fair, if we view fair as being equal treatment. sometimes i wonder if it's fair that i live a healthy and comfortable life while others suffer pain, sickness, poverty, etc. then it boils down to trusting His judgment of fairness. He knows what everyone needs, and that different people have different needs. ultimately, I believe He will put each of us in exactly the right position we have to be in so that we will recognize our need for Him, or best show His glory and sovereignty to others. my view of fair is drastically skewed, especially since I don't know what exactly I need or what others need. we rely on God to judge fairness. If He says, "I will have mercy on whom I have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion," (which He does say, romans 9:15) then it's clear He is in control of things and judges by His own standard, which is not equal but fair.

September 12, 2006

por la pALABRA del SEñOR fueron cREADOs los cIELos,
y por eL SOpLO de Su bOCa, laS eSTRELLas...
tEMA toda lA tIERRa al SEñOR
hÓnrenLo todos los pUEBLos del mUNDo;
porqÚE ÉL hABLÓ, y tODO fue CreADO;
diÓ un ORden, y TOdo queDÓ fIRme.

[ sALMo 33: 6 -9 ]

as i study more about words and language, i seek to be more attentive to the Word of the Lord. with a word, God created the heavens. He blew, and created the starry host. everything was created, because He spoke it into being. when i think about speech, and the power of a word, i think about that kind of power. and i stand amazed... in awe of creation! don't let me stop being amazed at what the Lord can command

September 02, 2006

growth. sometimes to grow you must cut off parts of the past. parts that haven't blossomed and fluorished. parts that have died and turned brown. weeds that have grown up around the fruitful parts of your life and are choking the good parts of your life from nutrients. funny how nature abstractly mirrors our lives. funny how i weed outside in our bushbed and somehow get deep and philosophical about everything. or maybe it's not so funny. maybe it's a blessing to see how life works and how faith changes the way i see everything. thankful for growth, even when weeding hurts a bit. abstract as it may be.